Sunday, March 11, 2007

Konichiwa Bitches

One of the better blog postings I have read courtesy of Jonny B. It managed to leave me with tears streaking down my cheeks and stomach cramps from all the laughing.

And also, who is this Robyn and why have I not seen this video until now? My Better Half tells me she was popular in the 90s. Her website says she got screwed over by her record company and then started her own label. I think I love her.

But onto other topics.

Last night, my BH and I were Very Social. In between his classes, both our jobs and the album, we tend to opt for quiet nights at home instead of fun evenings out. Yesterday we broke with tradition. We went to see the Cannes Ad Fest at the Bytowne with our good friends, went out for dinner, and then played Settlers of Catan until late at night.

Have y'all played this Settlers of Catan game? BH and I were newbies until yesterday. We thought it would be a fun, casual board game where we move players around a mat in between long stories or dirty jokes. BE FOREWARNED. We learned that true SoC players do not consider it to be only a game. It is a test of skill, revenge, and name calling. It was fun, certainly, but you need to be in the mood to climb into a metaphorical boxing ring with little wooden building blocks instead of fists. It's hard to lay a smackdown when you need to get the right cards to build a road to build a settlement where you can then throw down your gloves. You know?

Today is laundry, Canadian Tire and a Stitch n' Bitch. Actually, that is a totally rad combination.


JonnyB said...

Oh dear.

I am sorry about your stomach cramps. I hope it did not affect your ability to play the banjo.

And thank you kindly!!!

Andrea... said...

My pleasure! And if anything, stomach cramps only add character to banjo playing.

Character, and searing pain.
