Friday, October 26, 2007

Best Of Ottawa

Exciting things are afoot.*

Most exciting is that I'm on the nomination list for the XPress Best Of Ottawa poll. You can see my name in the "Best folk/country album/EP of 2007" section, and in the "Best new musical artist/group" section.

Now, many of the other nominated artists are good friends, and in some cases, roommates (there was much celebrating at our house last night). They are amazing musicians and have produced truly great work. So I'm not going to beg you to vote for me, exactly, but I am going to ask that you please vote. And, if you have read this blog often enough to know how much work goes into my musical endeavors, and you decide to put my name down, well, thank you. I would, of course, be thrilled to have your support.

You do need to provide a "name" and "e-mail address" to fill out the poll, but you can easily opt out of the newsletters. They do check for people who try to vote more than once, so if you want to spread the word, just let people know that the poll is up and ready. The deadline for voting is November 7. So go ahead. Vote.

I'm sure I had other exciting things to say, but they've escaped me. Oh, yes! My annual Dirty Pumpkin Carving Contest. That will require a post of its own. More soon, but I can't guarantee pictures. You have no idea how twisted these things get.

*Could I replace "afoot" with "athigh" or "anose"? Because that would make me happy. I would just keep switching body parts until things got out of hand. My mind wanders.


XUP said...

Congratulations! I will vote in the poll even though I haven't really been here long enough to have a good opinion on most categories. Good luck!

Andrea... said...

Thank you! The categories are mostly fun anyways.... And I think you only need to fill 15 out to complete the survey.

Anonymous said...

Done! Good luck Andrea!

aandjblog said...

I voted for you.

Good luck! You'll have to make an announcement if you get it. :)