Sunday, December 30, 2007

Blue Snake Skin

Last night I had a dream that I was writing in a $500,000 notebook, covered in blue snake skin. For some reason, I couldn't see what I was doing, so my writing was all messy. The first thing I did was write a love poem for my sweetheart. Then I made a dirty joke, and waved to my mom, who was watching in the audience (why was there an audience?).

I behave like an ass, even in my dreams.

Even though I went to work on Friday, I still feel like I'm on vacation. This week, my vacation starts to taper off. Sad. I have needed the extra sleep I've been getting lately. It's been the best part of the holiday. Just me, my Better Half, and my magic bag.

I had my first snowball fight of the season on Friday night. It was everything I hoped it would be. I didn't hit any of my targets though... Which I will blame on the wine.

I've been thinking of New Years, and this whole business of resolutions. I never make any, because I feel like I make new resolutions every few days all year. Such is the way of an obsessive list maker. Fuck this whole once-a-year thing.

I have been gifted my very first skeleton key. I showed my BH with squealing excitement, and he said, "Oh, we have loads of those in India. We could have gotten them when we were there!"

Ah. Well. Next time.

Off to make lasagna. Happy Sunday, lovelies.

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