Really though. Knitting scarves and drinking cocoa is so much more fun than hailing cabs in a blizzard. Or wading through knee-high snowbanks to get to a bus. Or having slush-soaked jeans. Hopefully I can find a balance between the great outdoors and my futon.
I've had a last-minute booking for a show at Zaphod's next Friday. I'll be playing with the lovely and talented Casey Comeau. If I can get it together, I'd like to play some of my favourite covers - but let's just see if I can squeeze in a load of laundry before I go shooting for the stars.
I finally had my hair cut and bleached last night, and I am thrilled with it. I think I will just pay to have someone else do my colouring from now on. I mean, aside from the convenience, the salon fed me wine all night. Big, generous glasses. When I balance the cost of wine and the fact that I won't have to mix my own bleach, it's well worth the money.
Although, speaking as someone who has been lucky enough to avoid the malls so far this season, getting blasted with awful Christmas commercial radio while my hair dries is an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. Do radio programmers not realize how BAD this shit is? It should be criminal to play that stuff on the radio. They aren't even trying. They just pick a tired Christmas song and a tired pop star, and put that vomit on the air. I've been getting a lot of mileage out of my Sufjan Stevens Christmas box set, because it sounds like real music and it doesn't make me break out in hives.
Here is a very awkward picture of me trying to show you my hair. It actually does curl that way... There's no salon magic there.
Love the new do!
Hope all is well.
Happy Holidays!
It looks fabulous, and I love your natural curls. Where is this salon that gives you free wine?
Thanks Laura! Your cakes look AMAZING by the way... I am totally impressed. You have been hiding your talents!
Zoom, it's Le Spa on MacLaren, right around the corner from Hartman's. I thought when they offered me wine that it would be a teeny glass, but no, it was HUGE and they kept giving me more. If I was doing that at a bar, I would have spent $15 on booze alone.
It's true, some commercial xmas music is HORRIBLE. Especially when it's a NEW song, like something Celine Dion or Luther Vandross has done. It really is like puke in a jar. The only safe commercial stuff is something so old even my parents don't remember. Like Dean Martin. Soooo classic. But really, give me Ukrainian Bell Carol or give me death.
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