Friday, April 25, 2008

Sushi Cake

Because my tea date with Megan died a slow death last week, I was determined to make it up to her when we finally hung out last night. This meant showing up with cookies. These cookies.

Now, I'm not a bad baker. Sure, I'm a way better cook, but I enjoy baking and I make some pretty mean cinnamon buns when the mood strikes. However, when your partner bakes as well as mine does, it's easy to feel like you're just finger painting with chocolate ganache. So before I dove into the baking, I thought I would ask for my BH's help to make sure I didn't burn/break/burn/ruin anything. He took a look at the recipe, moved the ingredients around on the counter, and I SWEAR TO GOD was done making these cookies in three minutes. All that was left for me to do was put parchment paper on the baking sheet. Booo, but also, yaaaay.

Long story short, the cookies kicked my ass around in the best way possible. Look at these things!

Fucking yum. This is a super easy recipe (or so I'm told) and I encourage you to give it a try if you want a chocolaty treat. It's also a Passover recipe for all you quasi-Jews (or full-fledged Jews) out there. I subbed the walnuts with pecans, and they were lovely, nay, BETTER than they would have been otherwise.

This visit itself was delightful. I showed up to the right house, and Megan was there!! We were already in better shape than we were last week. She had even baked some delicious kamut cake. We stuffed ourselves with tasty snacks and mint tea. I talked her ear off about bulldogs. She extolled the greatness of spelling bees. We headed down to the Bytowne Tavern to listen to some great music and hang out with some lovely people.

Rock and roll indeed.

The rumours are true, by the way. There really is a hair straightener in the women's bathroom. Fucking creepy if you ask me.

It was a great night all in all, even though I'm drained this morning. I'm looking forward to some down time followed by an evening of cake and sushi. Not sushi cake though. C'mon people. That's gross.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I saw Megan's name on the Queer Spelling Bee poster on the way to work this morning!

I briefly wished I was queer.

Andrea... said...

Don't we all?

But really.

EK said...

Those cookies look AWESOME. My sister is the baker in my house, I know how you feel about the being one-upped. But girl, you made damn FINE muffins. I still love them.