Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Morty Smorgasborg

Morty: protective of his bone.

Meeting a full-sized bulldog.

Humping said bulldog in the face...

And mounting him from the side.

Making faces.

Sleeping. Must be exhausting, being so cute and all...

His very first bath!

The End. For now.


Jessica said...

My freaking Lord, I haven't even met this puppy yet, but I can already tell he's oozing with personality!

XUP said...

I love the sleeping one. That should get boffed into a poster or mural on your new wall in your new home

Andrea... said...

Jessica: Oozing personality right out his bum, at the moment....

XUP: I nearly plotzed when he fell asleep like that. I took about twenty other pictures at different angles just because it was so funny.